Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Letting Go of Toxic Love

What makes someone remain in a relationship that isn't right for them? Perhaps there are a number of reasons but I think the strongest ones are fear and laziness. Perhaps the fear allows for the laziness—I’m not certain, but I believe I can convincingly argue that fear is to blame.

Recently I lost a loved one. She didn’t die or move or anything like that. She was married to my dad—she was my mom. Well my step-mom anyway. And while she never fit the role I’ve often talked about the ideal mother fulfilling, she had some good qualities and we had 15 or 16 years together. Being close, hugging, talking, loving, and she became a grandmother to my son. Not a step-grandmother, a grandmother. (Grandparents need not be quantified as “step” anything.) While this isn’t the topic, I think it is worth adding that she had a son. And he was special in both senses of the word. He was a new brother for me at the age of 15, who had William’s syndrome, and who very likely taught me more than I could have ever taught him. Anyway, so I lost two loved ones.

So am I sad? Of course.  And no. As with so very many things in my dysfunctional world, I am at odds with myself and my feelings. My step-mom was toxic. She hurt my dad, and my family, and me. Many times. For many years. But she loved my son. And I still believe to the extent that she could, that she loved me. That makes it hard to let go. Even though I know that letting go is the right thing to do. History matters, right? How we once felt and thought matters right? Or is it our own fear about what might lie in the future that forces those things to have the gravity that we perceive that they do?

Early on, I’d say around 6 years in to my “parents” marriage, I would have been around 22 years old ish. We were on our way camping without my step-mom as she had thrown one of her famous “I’m staying home” fits over some inconsequential defiance committed by my pop. And nobody has ever let me forget the ensuing conversation. Dad said something to the effect of, “I just don’t know what to do. Maybe I should just get out.” And I, wanting to hurt my dad as his previous divorces, not to mention the 3 of my mother’s, had hurt me, said, “You said, ‘I do. Don’t you think one of them should count?”  For the last 10 years, I’ve been reminded of that statement, even blamed, by multiple parties for the recent, long overdue situation.  Aside from the sharp words spoken in my youth, what made my dad hold on for 10 more years? Fear.

What if we never find love again? What if we live our lives alone? What if our children hate us for our failures? What if we find everything we ever wanted…and it changes everything we know to be true? I’m not sure what my father convinced himself of, but I imagine these to be the questions. I’m certainly empathetic to this line of thought. He comes from a tiny town. I told him once in order to change his life he would need to reinvent himself completely. Move. Perhaps a new career... abandon the town he’d spent his entire life in and everything he knew.  I could sense the hesitation at the very thought. And I don’t blame him. But if we only have this singular life, what could we possibly use to justify wasting any one moment of it? Fear is the only emotion strong enough. That is my theory.

I miss you crazy step-mom. But I can’t waste my precious minutes in this place any longer. I’m scared about what might happen. Even as an adult I don’t want to deal with another momma or my dad’s dating life, or advising him on where to live an how to carry on. I get SOOOOO tired of being the one who supports everyone else. Just one time, I want to lean on someone instead of a line of people waiting to lean on me.  But, in the end I’m happy that my dad was finally able to let go of his toxic love. Because everyone deserves the kind of love that helps you flourish and thrive. Everyone deserves a conversation that touches your soul, a touch that makes you tingle, and nobody deserves to be infected by toxicity constantly. I guess there is a balance that fear can tip toward the toxic…but if you accept that you deserve to feel loved and be happy. You have to let go. Be rid of the toxic, morn, and move toward a brighter future. Accept that positive things can be yours. If you are brave, and if you want it badly enough, I’m thinking it might all work out for the best.

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